“In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice; In
practice, there is.”
~ Chuck Reid
What are the costs and benefits of group work? In this time when the benefits are touted everywhere, I’d like to pause to consider costs. As we continue to endorse regular and even daily group work, we need to examine the differences between theory and practice. My school demanded daily group work last year. Overall, I do not believe that policy benefited students.
We spend too much time looking for magic cures. How will we pull up scores? Districts try techniques that worked in specific studies with specific student groups — without considering whether the needs of their students match the conditions in those studies. More grouping will never be a magic cure for lower academic performance, especially when students are thrown into those groups too often and too soon. An underappreciated problem in groups comes from those students I will call “sloughers.”
An old adage says, “More hands make for lighter work.” That’s true — especially if you are one of the sloughers. My daughters sensibly disliked group work because they usually got stuck with a disproportionate amount of the work. The students who care most about their grades often end up doing most of the work. The students who care least naturally do the least. Those less-motivated students volunteer to find pictures or draw lines on the Martian calendar while other students do the math necessary to create that calendar. The students who know the least may also be kept from adding real contributions. A group may quietly encourage Anne-Marie to find pictures because they do not trust her to do any mathematical calculations.
Many readers of this blog are teachers, and I can hear the voices saying, “That’s why you have to structure group work carefully!” A strong teacher can control to some extent for unfair distribution of labor. For example, every student could be required to turn in pages of calculations to show they did their own work. But even then, a regrettable amount of copying may occur, especially when one teacher has over thirty students.
We also say “Two heads are better than one.” I’d say that’s not necessarily true in group work. If my slougher lets an academically stronger or academically more motivated student do most of the work, my slougher will not be better off for working in a group. The results and benefits of regular group work depend on the learning levels of students in the group, social-emotional dynamics, and the motivation of individual students. Collaboration often works well in studies and in theory, but collaboration requires structure, time management skills, communications skills, and the ability to delegate tasks effectively. Even with strong teacher supervision and guidance, many students may struggle to work effectively in groups.
The counterargument to my above contention might be that we should oblige students to work in groups for exactly those reasons. Our students need to learn to delegate, manage time, and communicate. I’d agree with that position, provided we also remember that the extra time we use to work on delegation, time management and communication will be taken away from teaching core content. We teach collaborative skills at the expense of content. Those collaborative skills will be useful in later life, but they do carry a hidden cost: The time spent teaching group work has been taken from time that might have taught content.
Other challenges are worth noting. If no one in the group understands the material well, groups can even lead each other astray. A teacher can start with a group that mostly understands rotation and orbits, and end up with a group that has created its own unique solar system and vocabulary, one where Mercury’s days merge into Mercury’s orbit and nobody quite knows how anything works. An assertive student can easily teach his or her group to do ratios wrong while the teacher is working with another group across the room. When that happens, a teacher has to correct the misunderstanding — knowing that unlearning and relearning mistaken mathematical processes can be much tougher than doing the process right in the first place.
The last adage I’ll throw into this post will be “The more the merrier.” Unfortunately, this adage often proves true in group situations. Grouping students will make many students happy. Sloughers get to share the load, as much of it as they can give away. Other students create their own version of a recess or break. They enjoy group work for the social opportunities that circling their desks can provide. While the teacher helps Group D across the room, Group A may be quietly catching up on Jasmine’s date with Deryan last night. Sloughers can be talented at giving an appearance of work from across a room, while exchanging notes and whispered comments on Jasmine’s new manicure.
Eduhonesty: I actually like group work, a fact that may not be obvious from this post. I enjoy creating projects that encourage independent thought. I believe in teaching collaborative skills.
I do object to mandates from above that require that work, however. Each class deserves to be taught according to what works best for that class. That will depend heavily on subject matter and student learning levels. In particular, when an entire class demonstrates academic weakness in one area, letting that class’s students teach each other will likely prove a losing strategy. Students cannot teach each other what they do not know. They should not be forced to try simply because we want them to try out their teacher chops on one other.
America’s teachers have their boots on the ground. They can see the terrain around them, and each classroom’s terrain is unique. Teachers can assess what works and what does not work. They can see who works and who does not work. Especially after teachers have been provided with professional development on grouping, they should be left alone to choose how to present material to their students. That may be frequent group work, occasional group work, or relatively little group work. Let the teachers decide.