Um… No progress that I see on regressive school funding. No significant progress on affordable housing. In fact, even as I write this, I am in a series of tweets with a friend about how the artists in Seattle need to move to Hoquiam or Westport on Washington’s coast. Seattle’s homes became unaffordable years ago, a fact that makes the news, but making the news seems singularly useless today.
The news appears to be suffering from a worsening case of ADHD. News anchors catapult from story to story. Alleging you were raped by the President may get you a week or two of media time, but I predict this latest allegation will be dropped in favor of the next big something — and there’s always another something.
A little focus might help us here. Could we keep the school segregation story in the news? The story about all those ethnicities crammed into one zip code together, and crammed consequently into one underfunded and/or overcrowded school district together? Right now, the story surfaces like a tired whale with no choice except to come up for air, while having no intention of staying above the waterline for longer than it takes to inhale. Then the story falls back below the surface, vanishing into the depths.
Eduhonesty: Today’s update on fairer school funding: No progress on the Western Front, the Eastern Front or anywhere else.
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