I’ll call him Clarence. He’s a good-looking kid, rather tall with sharp features, and an easy smile. He attends school almost every day. I checked his grades this afternoon. We’re most of the way through the second quarter now.
How can you come to school almost every day and have a “0” in more than one class at this point in the quarter?
And why should this kid’s behavior affect my teaching evaluation? The Principal was concerned that he was not occupied for the whole hour since he claimed to be done with his work. He was not close to done. He had just decided to quit. He’s not passing any of his classes and his grades are higher in my classes than in most others. He’s such a pleasant kid on the surface that the Principal does not grasp the many problems he creates while killing time. Talking and distracting the class are only the start. He’s a horrific example. At least so far, he comes to school, does zero work and nothing happens to him.
Eduhonesty: I honestly cannot figure out what is going on with this kid. A lot of us are trying to figure him out. In the meantime, I have him in more than one class with more evaluations coming at me. When his mother told me he might be dropping out next month, I felt a brief surge of hope. Sadly enough, staying in school appears to be no win at all for this kid or his fellow students. His leaving school would benefit us all.