The problem with this blog is that I approach it like I approach Facebook. I don’t want to put in personal truths because I wish to keep a light cyber-footprint. So I remain cloaked for the most part.
I have a lot of truths to tell and a lot of issues to get on the table. But I don’t want to lose my job. Contrary to what is often presented in the public, it’s absolutely possible to fire a teacher. It’s not as easy as it is in the private sector, but I have seen teachers fired.
It’s also possible to drive a teacher to quit. I watched as one long-time high school employee was moved to the middle school to teach material she hardly knew, then moved again into another subject in another room, isolated from the rest of the staff. She lasted out that year, but I never saw her again after that.
Eduhonesty: It’s difficult to fire a tenured teacher. Unions often can and do take care of their members.
Districts are more likely to drive unwanted teachers to quit and they have formidable powers at their disposal. That 3rd grade teacher who angered her Principal may suddenly find herself teaching 7th grade science in another building, if she has the endorsement, with a planning period at the tail end of the day and a sweltering room over the kitchen.