The ACTFL SmartBrief asks: “Can relaxing webcam requirements help students learn?” An associate professor of educational psychology observes that students viewing themselves and their classmates may become self-conscious and thus less able to focus. The brief speculates that maybe turning off the camera will help students concentrate.

I know what I would have done if that camera was off. I would have played endless games on my phone. I play too many now. So do a signficant percentage of U.S. students. I would have wandered off to get snacks while finding my headphones. If no one can see me, why not? I would say to myself, “I can do (insert-class-here) while listening to my music.” I would have done other assignments for other classes. Depending on the nature of the homework, I might even plan to do my homework during Ms. Jones class, knowing it had been due last night, but convinced Ms. Smith would be happy enough if I got finished by noon.
Some operational approaches to online learning make me want to tear my hair out.
Think like a kid.
Eduhonesty: The camera should be on.
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