I was threatened with termination for not following the new Master Plan in which other people determine what I am supposed to be teaching and how I am supposed to be teaching it. Since then, I have obediently followed the script, although I did walk around with a resignation letter in my backpack for weeks. I am thinking of updating the letter. Resignation sounds positively heavenly.
Sigh. Resignation sounds heavenly, except for the part where I abandon my students and colleagues. I have bonded to these kids, as I bond to every group of kids. I don’t resent spending my personal funds to supply them with handouts and candy rewards. If I vanish, my colleagues will be forced to pick up my responsibilities. I’m not easily replaced. I have an unusual set of certifications. My kids could end up with a long-term sub for the rest of the year, not necessarily a sub with the correct qualifications. I’ve seen it happen. One year, in a complicated teacher swap, I ended up in another school, while the woman I swapped with ended up in another subject area. That met the need for a missing teacher in that subject area — but the students I left behind had a long-term sub until that sub disappeared. After that, a series of subs taught — or did not teach — my former students.
So the letter stays in the backpack, for the sake of the kids and for the sake of the guy across the hall.
I must admit that termination sounds like one way out of this mess. At least I would not feel herded, hounded and muzzled. I’d love to have a chance to present my views. I can’t do so if I am to keep the Scary Administrators of the Baskervilles at bay.
Eduhonesty: Sigh.