Readers: Please do me a favor and pass these tips on to teachers who are gearing up for the new year. Or anyone else who you think might benefit from a post.
My bracelet says, “JUST BREATHE.” That’s today’s tip for teachers new and old. I suggest creating a meme for yourself that you can post in the classroom. Or buy yourself an affirmation bracelet.
Depending on what you teach (or not), you might want to talk about breathing with your classroom. Deep, abdominal breaths are calming. We can all use a dose of calm every so often.
Eduhonesty: I love affirmation bracelets. They make some bracelets with sayings etched inside, too. Short phrases act as reminders. They also define you. You will never be the worse for wearing a phrase like, “LOVE MY STUDENTS” on your sleeve.
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