Here is a link well worth reading:
Eduhonesty: I agree with Nathan Bowling, the Teacher of the Year and teacher leader who wrote the above article. We have the schools our leaders want us to have. Oh, our leaders would be perfectly happy if those children in Detroit had toilet seat covers and level floors. They don’t exactly want to discriminate.
But they live in comfortable suburbs and their children go to schools with the latest technology, small class sizes and active, after-school programs. Their children probably have activity busses to take them home after the middle-school clubs and activities finish. The kids in those suburban high schools may have cars that cost more than a year’s rent for some Detroit families.
The old saw says, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” For America’s political leaders, it ain’t broke. And I am afraid Nathan’s right. They ain’t gonna fix it.
I also like his focus. Great teachers are what our academically-disadvantaged districts need most. When many of our best teachers gravitate towards wealthy suburbs because those burbs offer higher pay and better working conditions, we have a disconnect that favors our most privileged students.
That disconnect has become the biggest issue facing education today.
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