Arne Duncan went to the University of Chicago Lab School. Incidentally, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s children attend the UCLS and the Obama daughters also attended before enrolling in the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington D.C. If the U.S. Secretary of Education wants to keep his kids out of the Chicago Public Schools, I understand that perfectly.
My kids went to school the best public district I could find for them. I might have considered a couple of high-quality alternatives, but great schools were non-negotiable when I went house hunting. I recommend that to my students when we talk about schools. I tell them, “You are better off in a much smaller house in a place with great schools. You want your kids to get the best education possible.”
Eduhonesty: In my view, Arne gets a pass on avoiding the schools he once led. I would send my own kids to the University of Chicago Lab School in his position. I will observe that many leaders creating educational policy for America’s school districts don’t have much, if any, experience working in America’s problem schools. Too many of our leaders are steeped in theory and lacking in experience where it counts. Anyone deciding American education policy ought to have time as a teacher and/or administrator in a Title I school.