Kindness and sorrow and sad, sad kids

“Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow
as the other deepest thing.”

~ Naomi Shihab Nye, Kindness  (with credit to Bob at

Why did I copy this quote? In a spasm of compassion, I saw my students. Where is the kindness in the endless barrage of testing? Where is the empathy that might help data-driven leaders of our time to understand the sorrow they are creating?

Students feel the pressure to get test scores which remain out of reach for them, those students who have not simply given up, trying to protect themselves from yet another emotional blow. They feel the sadness when they fail to come close to hitting expected targets. They feel a gamut of emotions, few of them helpful to building confidence or self-esteem. How does it feel after hours of answering questions if most of the time you don’t know the answers? So many students are far from ready for the Common Core-based questions in many of these tests — special education students, bilingual students and those students who have fallen behind grade level for whatever reason.

Eduhonesty: When I bring this subject up with educational administrators, I am often treated to a speech about how we must get students ready to succeed. Failure is not an option, they say in so many words. Failure will be reflected in your evaluations, too.

But a review of the immense load of big data we are creating reveals that a great many students ARE failing. We document those failures all over school, state and federal websites. The cold numbers do not tell a larger story that needs to be placed front and center for the sake of America’s lower-scoring students. Testing hurts.

Testing has become unkind in the extreme. You must test whether you can read the test or not. You must test if you came here two years ago from Cambodia without speaking English. You must test even if you are innumerate, illiterate and a lifelong special education student. You must test whether you are destined to fail or not.

Here’s the question that desperately needs to be asked: How are these failures — often repeated failures — making our students feel? I have watched such sadness on children’s faces at the end of demanding test days, and hopelessness as well.

We don’t need to throw special education students who are academically delayed into the testing arena to be chewed up. A desire for data should not be allowed to triumph over common sense. One-test-fits-all is not merely stupid; it’s a recipe for lifetime sorrow. We are making kids feel like failures with these tests.

Emotional effects of the data juggernaut are dismissed in the quest for more data, big data that we cannot even effectively analyze due to questions of methodology, validity and reliability, not to mention the sheer lack of time and personnel needed to tease out useful results from that data.

Hello out there? Let’s stop the data train — or at least slow it down. It’s running over many kids, the ones in the far left tail of the bell curves of our tests. I wish bureaucrats and administrators could see some of the beaten, hopeless expressions at the end of a day of school testing. We are teaching sorrow and failure, while we ignore simple human kindness.

I’d Like to Science the Electronics Problem

Nouns keep turning into verbs lately and let’s science, I say. In particular, I’d like to follow up more vigorously on the studies that suggest laptops and notepads are not improving learning outcomes. Research suggesting that our headlong leap into technological learning may not be fulfilling expectations has been cropping up in the news for awhile. But those studies don’t seem to be impacting school district behavior much. Maybe more science will help.

A report came out in 2015 from the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development), examining the effect of school technology on international test results. Using the Pisa tests taken in more than 70 countries, the report claimed that frequent use of computers in classrooms does not produce the results many advocates of technology expect, but is frequently associated with lower test results instead. The OECD report claimed that “education systems which have invested heavily in information and communications technology have seen ‘no noticeable improvement’ in Pisa test results for reading, mathematics or science.”

The results of this study ought to slow or stop our headlong rush into 1:1 laptops as a possible method for closing the achievement gap. According to the study, “there is no single country in which the internet is used frequently at school by a majority of students and where students’ performance improved”. More crucially, among “the seven countries with the highest level of internet use in school, … three experienced “significant declines” in reading performance – Australia, New Zealand and Sweden – and three more …”stagnated” – Spain, Norway and Denmark.”

Technology is no panacea. I refer readers to, an article by Sean Coughlan from September of 2015, for more details from this report. The articles shows greater and lesser successes from adding technology.

What I would like to see: Let’s find large districts with at least two schools that produce highly similar spring test results. In one school, ban all student electronics except for keyboarding classes in a computer lab. (Keyboarding has too much utility to sacrifice to my experiment.) In the other school, continue with laptops, software, and possible loose phone policies. In the lower-tech school, students will take notes on lined paper and assignments will be done and turned in on paper. I recommend we do this across multiple large districts. The more data in this experiment, the better.

Come spring, we can look at results to see which group did better, assuming either group outperforms its counterpart. I predict the paper and pencil classrooms will do at least as well as their techy counterparts — and for far less money. If I am right, then IT’S TIME TO STOP REFLEXIVELY BUYING NEW TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE. Instead of throwing funds at laptop carts, districts might invest their limited funds in more tutors, activity busses, infrastructure repair and better classroom climate control, for example.

Eduhonesty: I see advantages in laptops and robust software programs. I also see an enormous amount of time wasted on secret games and other activities. As a retired teacher/sub, I am more likely to see those games and YouTube diversions because kids often try to take advantage of the sub. In unfamiliar rooms, I have to close a few Chromebooks and “X” a few games or videos before they stop most days. But kids have been switching activities when the teacher approached since laptops entered the classroom. How much wasted time is too much wasted time?

As to phones, yes, they have calculators. Yes, they have search engines. But given the temptations of social media, phones should be kept in lockers or other secure sites.

We should not have to science this topic. The data available ought to be sufficient to help us make choices by now. But I keep walking into classes filled with laptops that are not working the way they are supposed to work.

Here is my admittedly anecdotal observation: Those high-achieving kids at the top of the class are reading their Newsela Paleontology articles. They are taking the quizzes the teacher assigned, providing the writing sample, and doing the critical thinking activity that is to be turned in for a grade. But despite regular redirection the kids at the bottom of the class and the more distractible kids in the middle are doing… something else, at least until I am nearby. As I approach, they click back to the picture of dinosaur bones that I saw the last two times I circled the room. Of more concern, a number of kids in the crowd are not bothering to read the quiz associated with the reading since there is no grade associated with that “self-learning” quiz. Then they are laughing about their zeroes. One girl yesterday asked me to give her the letters of the answers. “Can’t you just tell me? You know, CAEE or something?”

If I wasn’t a teacher and did not feel compelled to teach the material the classroom teacher provided me, those laptops would be a tremendous win. I could sit at the front of the room and watch as the screens quieted the classroom. The kids would look busy. I could wander out a few times to make people click away from the snakes game and go back to staring at the picture of the dinosaur bones, and the fiction of classroom learning would be maintained. But I know better. The kids know better, too, but the ones ignoring the assignment have decided they can catch up later or that paleontology simply isn’t worth the effort. I assume they mostly made up some version of a critical thinking response to turn in for a grade.

This picture’s not as bleak as I painted. I circled the room I am describing and redirected kids nonstop. A great deal of work was accomplished. But I also know that not all subs are getting in their 10,000 steps. Not all teachers are able to endlessly circle a room all day.

The problem with technology is that it works best for motivated students, Sometimes technology only works for motivated students. For the distracted and distractible, technology unfortunately offers a gateway to other worlds which have nothing to do with education. In contrast, paper and pencils can be used to doodle or write notes, but doodles have a much more benign effect on learning than YouTube videos, despite that occasional middle-school penis that gets scribbled on papers or desks.

Providing fewer temptations would be a kindness for those kids who are struggling to stay in the academic game. I am not advocating doing away with the laptops. But radical cutbacks might be the best move U.S. education has made in the last few decades.

Is It Time to Retire? Find Another District? Or Start the Escargot-in-the-Bathtub Business?

Any of your staff meetings leave you feeling like this?

The best thing about retirement is a sense of “done.” Done has a feel. Done has a texture. The cake is baked. Any zombies have been dismembered and burned. Done is not exactly burnt out – I still enjoy substitute teaching – but done means I can read in peace. I can write silly haikus about cooking shows or throw toffee on top of chocolate pudding pies. I can ignore the news freely and immerse myself in television shows I missed while grading, making spreadsheets, and trying to dig myself out of scary pedagogical corners. If I don’t tap the button that commits me to cover for another teacher, I can read through the middle of the night. I can turn off all the alarms.

I recommend life as a retired teacher. I recommend it especially to those working in urban and disadvantaged areas who are under constant pressure to hit impossible targets. On the one to ten scale, how stressed are you? That stress is not benign. Year after year of trying to do six impossible things before breakfast can leave you broken. Cardiovascular disease and PTSD happen even to teachers with fitness regimes.

Seriously, reader. On that one to ten scale, where are you? Are you getting near a natural breakpoint? Maybe you should find out where you stand in your state’s retirement scheme. Those later-life dollars often prove more vital than we expect, so I want to emphasize financial prudence here, but you also want to be in position to enjoy yourself when you move on to the next life-stage.

Looking back, I know I never minded the hard work I brought home, night after night, week-end after week-end. To those nonteacher readers who think teaching is an easy eight to three job with summers off, I’d like to say that someone grades all those math papers. When I did my student teaching, I discovered my cooperating teacher often stayed at her high school until 6:30 or later to get through the day’s papers. Grades must be entered in grading programs. Parent calls must be made. Emails must be answered. Meetings must be attended — before school, during school and after school. Assignments must be set up and sometimes printed. When still allowed, lessons must be planned, usually multiple versions for differing groups of students. Teachers can’t give the exact same lesson to one kid who is at grade level and another kid four years below grade level.

There’s a critical snippet of a line in the above paragraph: “When still allowed…” I kept going when my administration told me I had to give seventh-grade Common Core materials to my math classes, even though those classes were testing at an average third-grade level. I kept tutoring, even on week-ends at a McDonalds near my school, over half an hour from my home. I kept trying, and trying, and trying. But at some point, I changed. After years of telling myself, “You can do it!”, I found myself saying, “I can’t do this.” I would self-correct immediately at first. “I can too do it.” But I knew I did not believe myself.

I did not mind the work. But I did mind working stupid. My kids needed remediation that I was never allowed to provide in school and I could only get some of them to get up to get their Saturday breakfast tacos and math practice.

Eduhonesty: Are you being treated well, fellow teacher? All those hours, all that emotional investment in doing your best and doing the right thing? Do you feel appreciated? How are your self-messages sounding? Can you still say, “I can do it!” with confidence?

If your messages are beginning to sound shaky, if “can do” is being replaced with “can’t do” or even “It’s no use” or “Oh, man, what did I do this time?” – then maybe it’s time for a change. The exodus has already begun. According to the Wall Street Journal, in “the first 10 months of 2018, public educators quit at … the highest rate for public educators since such records began in 2001” — a number that translates to one million workers quitting public-education positions in 2018 according to Labor Department data. (Source:, Hackman and Morath)

I regret writing this post in some ways. Many of the teachers I know who recently retired or left the field were among the best teachers I knew – creative, engaged, and knowledgeable, with terrific classroom management skills. The tally of gifted, former educators who are now selling make-up and feminine care products ought to shake this country to its core.

But the economy has been on a roll. It’s an absolutely great time to be looking for a job. That includes a different teaching position if you love your work but don’t feel the love coming back from above. Those now-former educators leaving the field are peppering the internet with online vacancies.

If you are an older teacher who regularly feels unappreciated or even under threat, and if you are at a good break point in your state retirement plan, I recommend the smartest move I made all during that last, crazy year: I turned in the necessary forms to the state and I quit.

I didn’t sleep well last night, but that doesn’t matter. I made a delicious lactose-free, 1% latte, cut a sizable piece of pumpkin pie and sat down to my computers. I plan to join a friend for lunch at The Cracker Barrel. I’ll go to a book club later this week, not the one that I started. I will pull out the yarn for another crocheting project, my fourth or fifth, depending on whether wearability counts. I believe I am ready to graduate from scarves to a more complex shape than the classic rectangle. If all else fails, a monster Star Trek puzzle waits for me in the basement. I have been planning to get back to that puzzle for months now.

If your stress level is approaching ten then, please, reader, do yourself a huge favor: PUT YOURSELF FIRST FOR A CHANGE. Only you can decide if putting yourself first means changing employment or locations, or even retiring. I would like to encourage my stressed readers to take an afternoon or a day to make a “T” chart or a larger life map to explore the possibility of moving on. You are always one decision away from changing your life. Is it time for a change?

With the World Crushing Down on You

In this time of quantification, the unquantifiable tends to get lost. If no sources and numbers can be offered, a concept may disappear from view. Stakeholders and others argue at length over the meaning of test score results. They argue much less over the effect of those results on individual children. An emotional trait that cannot be pegged with a number, predicted or put into a formula becomes invisible. Districts are working to improve attitude with positive feedback and mindset training, but the emotional lives of students remain a gray area only sometimes allowed to fall into education’s orbit.

Here’s one elephant hiding in the room with us: Those tests and test results? Their weight, their gravitas, has been increasing over the years. Fifty years ago, students were taking an annual spring test. But scores were simply much less important. Kids were not hearing about that test all year long. They were not having their faces rubbed in past results. Mostly, we were leaving kids out of the process.

The tests were adult territory. Just as alcoholism, sex, family financial difficulties and gory news were not shared with children, school leaders were not regularly taking children aside to tell them that their lack of academic prowess might condemn them to a botched and futile future life. For one thing, many more vocational options existed in those past schools because the idea that all students should go to college had not yet taken hold. We were measuring kids, but we were not trying to whip them into frenzied test preparation.

Once, the goal of instruction was learning. That may still be true, but not all U.S. students know their school experience is a voyage into learning. Actual classroom quote from a late spring day, some weeks before the end of the school year: “More math!? Why do we have to do more math? The tests are over!”

What is the effect of this changed emphasis on the importance of testing? A line from a song captures what I suspect: “Wake up each day with the weight of the world spreading over your shoulders. Can’t get away from the weight of the world crushing down on you … and you’re afraid it’s gonna go on forever.” (Lowen and Navarro).

I think this piece of the puzzle just gets lost. Before NCLB, before the fierce emphasis on data, we did not involve kids in our desperate data quests other than to hand them a test to complete. Now we hold conferences with them after tests to ask them what they think their test scores mean, where they think the test went wrong, and what they think they can do to improve future results. I was required to sit down with each student to go over MAP benchmark tests during my last formal teaching year, and I am sure we would have done the same for the PARCC test if those results had come in before the end of the school year.

Let’s just rub everybody’s noses in their “failures.” That will get results. What results? I’d say that’s the elephant.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnoses have skyrocketed in the last few decades. According to, the CDC says that “11 percent of American children, ages 4 to 17, had the attention disorder as of 2011. That’s an increase of 42 percent between 2003 and 2011.”

But here’s my scary thought: What if at least some of the growing ADHD is not ADHD? What if we are seeing Generalized Anxiety Disorders instead in students who cannot hit targets, sudden trials that keep popping out at them like black-and-white images of human targets on police firing ranges? That woolly-headed, pinging-off-the-walls behavior often called ADHD? It can be ADHD — or it can be anxiety or a nightmarish combination of both.

What if some of our children are simply buckling under the pressure?

You Won’t Get There from Here

Tougher standards have become reformers’ latest strategy to close the U.S. achievement gap. Why can’t Ginger read? We did not give her big chapter books soon enough!

I am sure one appeal of the standards movement is that it offers a simple fix for a simple problem. The fact that our simple problem may be a grossly oversimplified problem in disguise is ignored. Given the enormous costs and efforts involved in shifting classroom content, though, standards proponents should have explored one more question in depth before they leapt into the Common Core: What if we are wrong and the achievement gap only peripherally relates to classroom content?

Because if content is not central to the achievement gap then, damn! We have wasted so much money and so much time. So many bodies are looking under the streetlight on the wrong block. I am afraid that may be exactly what the standards reform movement has done.

Why do I believe more rigorous standards will not rescue us? Schools operated under their own state standards before the Common Core forced Illinois and other states to rework their many, previously-defined expectations. While going into detail about previous standards would require reams of pages filled with tiny details, I can skip those details and assert at least one fact: The old Illinois standards graduated both students ready to enter the best universities in the world, and students who couldn’t fill out an employment application or calculate a 20% tip.

Eduhonesty: I expect the same learning disparity to unfold under the Common Core, even in those states that have backed away from the Core. The standards movement and those Core–adapted standards remain. The huge gap in background knowledge and academic aptitude between students remains. Our test scores keep documenting this fact and we are nearly a decade into the Common Core experiment.

Believing in Basilisks and Mountain Trolls Helps No One

The magic professional development that will produce a Better Teacher able to motivate a student to successfully condense multiple missing years of knowledge into around 160 days, all the while simultaneously mastering a curriculum that requires understanding those thousands of bits of missing knowledge from past years? The politicians who believe in a professional development of that awesome power might as well believe in basilisks, boggarts and mountain trolls from Harry Potter. Yes, an infinitesimal percentage of children make the leap I describe when given intensive tutoring. But a student testing at a third-grade level in mathematics can usually be expected to fold when confronting an eighth-grade curriculum.

The Myth of the Magic Teacher helps no one. Especially with the many days districts are losing now to testing and data-production, I ask readers to please, please believe me: The magic teacher training formula does not exist. No magic “quality time” can compensate for the missing “quantity time” required to fill in large gaps from the past. No quick fix for the achievement gap is going to be found. Yes, we can make better teachers and administrators. We can help teachers to create safer, more productive classrooms. We can help administrators to make the best use of available staff and materials.

In the meantime, though, we will continue to get what we get. I remember this phrase from a long-ago, powerful professional development, “You get what you get.” The woman continued by explaining that we could not teach what we wanted to teach – we had to focus on what our students were ready to learn. That PD took place at the beginning of my teaching career and it made all the sense in the world.

But the testing and standards movements have been ignoring individual students. Schools try to compensate by grouping children and adapting instruction for different groups. However, when every group is expected to be learning how to manage polynomial equations such as x2 – 2x +3 = 0 because these equations will be on the spring test, our differentiation tends to become more lip service than real. Standards can and do hobble reasonable attempts to individualize instruction. Curricula designed to cover all or the most important topics on the state test do the same.

If we insist on continuing to push preset standards and tests as the be-all-end-all in educational strategies – I wish we’d go back a few decades and just STOP – then I think we are past due at facing facts. Kids are being left behind all the time. No Child Left Behind shifted our focus to tests but did not dramatically change the picture being shown by those tests. The subtitle of a U.S. News and World Report article lays it out succinctly: “Only 37 percent of students are prepared for college level math and reading, according to newly released data.” The related NAEP data shows declines from 2013 to 2015, too.*

What can we do to help America’s underachieving young adults? And the children following them? I can think of one and only one fix that I believe has the potential to work: we could extend the time underachieving students spend in school. I’d start with a robust preschool education aimed at teaching vocabulary as part of a mostly play experience. Then I would create programs that attack growing gaps in student knowledge, stepping in immediately to fill the gaps instead of passing kids along – before students end up utterly lost as they log into their Google classroom to find assignments they do not even know how to start — and long before those students are forced to pay for college math and English remediation courses that don’t count toward their possible graduation.

* Camera, Laura. “High School Seniors Aren’t College-Ready. U.S. News and World Report, 27 Apr 2016

Remediation is Never Optional

Time, time, time – see what’s become of us. What I have always needed, what my students have needed, and what I never, ever have had enough of was time. Every child who has fallen behind requires remediation – in other words, time to catch up. But lower-scoring districts often can’t add enough remediation on top of already rigorous curricular demands; and making those demands more rigorous works directly against closing the achievement gap without extra time.

The Standards Movement is killing U.S. education, at least in those districts that are not hitting targets. If we commit to using every hour of every day and then a month or so of hours that do not exist, not including those hours commandeered by testing, where will time for remediation come from? A few extra hours of tutoring after school each week may allow kids who are close to grade level to catch up before they plummet into nonperformance and hopelessness, but this country is filled with students for whom those extra hours might as well be Band-aids on third degree burns.

Who will help the lost kids who have years of content to make up before they can even begin to start their year’s Common Core or similar standards? School districts are holding endless data meetings, adding teacher coaches, talking about reducing tests, and reintroducing those career and technical classes that were once called vocational education. Myriad consultants are cranking out professional developments for principals and teachers. Education has become a stew of buzzwords today. But, in the meantime, who will help the lost kids?

Eduhonesty:  I cannot help but cynically wonder if our conversations about rigorous standards, benchmark testing, student progress monitoring, differentiated and data-driven instruction, instructional scaffolding, peer assessment, student-centered learning, cooperative learning, social-emotional learning, project-based learning, mindset training, attendance certificates, higher-order thinking skills, collaborative lesson planning, integration of technology, daily standards projected onto white boards, professional development for STEAM, digital literacy, college-and-career readiness, resilience assemblies, and bug-in-ear coaching are at least sometimes attempts to work around, or even entirely evade, an uncomfortable truth: If we want to close the achievement gap, we will have to offer students who are behind extra days and even months for learning the vocabulary and math facts they have missed — substantially more time than patchwork afternoon tutoring or mere morning summer school for the failed can offer.

Accessible, quality preschool for all U.S. students would be an obvious place to start.

Tip #1: Sleep!


Note: This was originally written for teachers, but right now I think it’s a good recommendation for anyone who is frantic, trying to get it all done, especially parents managing online schooling.

It’s September 2020 as I write this. This post is from 2019 and takes us back to better times. I won’t edit the old post, just make the observation that if you can’t go out for chicken wings with coworkers, zoom for fun and not just lesson preparation. Make a plan to eat pizza while zooming. Maybe you could zoom while all polishing your own toenails :-).

The start of the school year can be nuts. Many teachers cut sleep to get rooms ready, lessons prepared, and required administrative paperwork done. I asked a young teacher how she was doing this week and she responded by speechlessly breaking into tears. She had been cutting sleep for days. By the end of her week she was about two days short of sleep.

Don’t do this!! You will probably get sick. For one thing, sick kids frequently come to school at the start of the year — even with the flu. I read a post yesterday from a colleague who had managed to be her doctor’s first flu case of the year for two years running.

You may also lose your sense of humor, an almost essential component to creating a good relationship with your students, not to mention getting along with administration and other humans. At worst, you will end up blasting some admin for making yet another marginally-useful-at-best paperwork demand. A few missing hours here, a few missing hours there, and your patience may evaporate, leading you to tell the assistant principal exactly what you think of the new spreadsheet, due by Friday, documenting all student reading progress over the last six years.

Eat. Drink — flavored, fizzy waters, Gatorade, plain old water, and other alternatives that are not coffee. I love coffee, but humans are not meant to live on coffee alone.  Visit with colleagues. Go out for chicken wings or pizza with fellow teachers. If your school has no regular Lou Malnati’s Pizza Friday get-together, make it happen. Sleep enough so that you can enjoy your day, and your pizza. When the kids say something funny, you want to laugh. You are building relationships. I have had a few days when I had to turn off the lights and ask for mercy due to migraines. I always got my mercy because students knew I valued them. No small part of that is laughing at their jokes and turning up at their soccer games.

Set a bedtime if you must, and try your hardest to stick to that bedtime. I recommend scheduling massages, and yoga or martial arts classes as well. If there’s an exercise or yoga class on your way home from work, I suggest plunking down the money to schedule that regular break between work and home. Routines help. So does a reason not to linger in your classroom after school.

On week-ends, get a pedicure. Take the dog for a long walk in the forest preserve. Go golfing or play tennis. Meet friends to watch the football game. Stream the latest John Wick movie. Whatever works, whatever you can manage that refreshes you.

Be kind to yourself.

The Beauty of Lunch Detentions

Part of the tips for newbies series:

Lunch detentions work especially well for classroom management. Yes, giving up a peaceful lunch is tough. But you may find those quieter minutes with a few students in your classroom to be some of the best minutes of the year. Students talk at lunch. They share.

Overt defiance, disrespect and insubordination allow you to write immediate referrals to administration, rescuing classroom instructional minutes. Those referrals should not reflect badly on your management. If Ozzie refused to do his classwork, told you he did not have to listen to you, and then ripped up his paper, no one will think badly of you for referring Ozzie. A student who acts that far off the chain almost always has racked up a long paperwork trail behind him. The administration already knows Ozzie. If not, his last school most likely warned them he was coming.

Still, I might not write that referral immediately in August or September or even October. Ideally, I want to convince Ozzie to join my class. I’d rather start by giving him a detention with me. If lunch detention does not work because of scheduling conflicts, I might set up detention in the library after school instead.*

I want to talk with Ozzie, to try to find out why he ripped up his paper. Lots of Ozzies are acting out because they have fallen so far behind that they prefer to get in trouble rather than be embarrassed. I would probably call home on that shredded assignment, but I might also let that first incident pass without calling, letting Ozzie know that I chose to give him a second chance rather than calling parents/guardians+ immediately. I might do the paper with him. Sometimes, when you give Ozzie a second chance along with the tutoring he needs to understand the assignment he ripped up, Ozzie will give you a second chance.

Those defiant, insubordinate students are often leaders within their peer groups. If a teacher can convince them to buy into the program, they bring other students in with them. You may not be able to pull an Ozzie in, but when you can, the results are worth the struggle. These students can be top-notch first officers as you captain your classroom, helping to keep routines and disciplinary procedures running smoothly. The truth is, I love my Ozzies and I think they sense that. Rebels appeal to me. This country and most of the world was built by rebels.

Eduhonesty: Sometimes that torn paper is a secret test by a kid. Early insubordination can be used to find out what sort of a person you are. There’s a dilemma here: You have to keep control of your classroom, and that means not letting rude remarks and defiance go unremarked and unchallenged. You must react. But rude behavior can also be an opportunity, a reason to issue Ozzie a detention. Detentions offer you an opening, a chance to spend small group or individual time with students who are sometimes just begging to be understood.

You might lay in snacks for detention days. Those little bags of chips don’t cost too much, especially if you belong to Costco or Sam’s Club, and they provide a natural start for conversation. “Which chip is your favorite?” gives a student a chance to start talking about himself or herself on a topic that’s not too personal.

Have a great year!

*It’s better not to be alone with students after school, troubled students in particular, so I recommend libraries or other public places. I also recommend keeping the door to your classroom open during detentions.

When you must write a referral — another post for the new(er) teacher

Continuing posts for the newbies, mostly at the middle school and high school level

New teachers often hesitate to seek outside help with disciplinary issues. They understandably worry about making a bad first impression. For any teachers out there who are afraid to call in the cavalry, this post is for you.

You must ask for help with some issues. Actions at the start of the year establish precedents. Inactions also establish precedents — and you can end up struggling with misbehaviors for the rest of the school year if you roll over in September.  My young colleague who rationalized that “dumb-ass” was not “really a curse word” and let a student in her class effectively off the hook after an example of outrageous disrespect?She was let go the following year, mostly due to subsequent disrespectful student behavior. That kid who cursed at you? That kid MUST receive a consequence. His or her fellow students need to see you will not be a pushover. Parents or guardians should also receive a phone call.

Maybe you are afraid that reporting misbehavior will be interpreted as being unable to manage your classroom. That fear has to be ignored when the cause is sufficient. Frankly, if you never feel comfortable asking for help from your administration, the problem is your administration — not you — and you may want to look for another school district.

Regardless, disrespectful and disruptive behaviors must be shut down as much as possible and as early as possible during the school year. That sometimes requires reporting a problem even if you would rather not have the Dean know that “Matt” called you a @#%@%. In science fiction terms, you do NOT want to live in the parallel universe where “Matt” got away with calling you that name because you will be absolutely miserable in that universe, as “Matt” keeps pushing to find the boundaries and get another laugh at your expense.

You should have a referral form to use in case of trouble. If it’s like many other forms, the misbehaviors on the following list call for immediate referral to the Dean or other administrators in the disciplinary pipeline:

♦ Drugs
♦ Fighting — this includes serious verbal altercations as well as physical assaults
♦ Harrassment, intimidation or bullying of other students
♦ Horseplay meant to disrupt class or horseplay that does not stop when you say stop
♦ Some forms of insubordination — this can be tricky…
♦ Possession of weapons or look-alike weapons
♦ Profanity or serious verbal disrespect toward the teacher
♦ Refusing to identify yourself (This tends to be hallway issue.)
♦ Skipping class or extreme tardiness
♦ Smoking
♦ Vandalism

In a sense, most of the above behaviors are often easier to manage than less serious infractions. Recreational drug use is simply unacceptable. Possession of weapons cannot be tolerated. Kicking over a desk or gouging a crown into its surface cannot be ignored or excused. That crown requires an immediate referral. If the idea of the crown did not immediately ping your gang activity warning bells, you might also talk to colleagues about gang activity in your area.

The flip side of what I have written above is that a new teacher’s instinct not to write referrals may be spot on. Too many referrals can put you in the spotlight, and you want to avoid that. Beyond the items on the above list, disciplinary referrals tend to become more discretionary, and I’d suggest avoiding referrals when possible. Fairly or unfairly, referrals can raise classroom management concerns, and they also give away some of your own personal power. Kids sometimes view referrals as a version of, “Wait till (another authority figure) gets home (to take charge)!!

One five-minute tardy will probably not be worth the paperwork, especially since administrators tend to be too busy to manage what they perceive as trivial problems. Three tardies in a week make a different story, though. Attitude should be a determining factor in the referral process. Was the behavior deliberately disruptive? That’s probably a referral, but you might want to handle disruptive behavior yourself. Did the student intend to swear? Sometimes words just slip out. Did the horseplay spill over into class from the passing period? You may be able to address that horseplay with a short reminder about the rules and a small consequence such as cleaning the classroom before school. Littering and pencil doodles on desks call for natural consequences such as desk-cleaning duty. Afterschool and lunch detentions act as deterrents for other behaviors.

Misbehaviors I would recommend tackling on your own before issuing referrals include the following:

♦ Academic dishonesty
♦ Bothering other students short of bullying
♦ Breaking school rules (a few rules call for immediate referrals, especially when safety issues are in play)
♦ Cursing not directed toward you that is not bullying
♦ Disruptive behavior that continues after you bring the behavior to a student’s attention
♦ Horseplay
♦ Huggy kissy stuff — PDAs
♦ Littering
♦ Property misuse
♦ Tardiness

Eduhonesty: I’ll pick up this thread again in the next day or two. I’ve launched into a huge topic and a complicated one. My advice might be quite different for District 43 than for District 182, for example. Who are your administrators? How much experience do those administrators have within your district? Who will help?

I will end today’s post with a familiar piece of advice: Ask your mentor teacher or other experienced teachers within your district how to manage your disciplinary challenges. I favor lunch and afterschool detentions myself, but whatever you do, don’t let deliberate disrespect go. You may want to call home, talk to parents or guardians, and issue your own consequence — rather than discussing disrespect with others outside the classroom — but your “Matts” must be stopped before their behaviors escalate, both for your sake and for theirs.