Apparently a day or two of make-ups remain for the new, national standardized test called PARCC. We’ve been at this for weeks. The school itself is pretty much back to normal, as normal as we get anyway. I am saving unused, previously printed copies now so I can print on the blank side. We discussed time demands for PARCC at lunch. Apparently, our lengthy test window has been necessary in many districts. Districts that did not have enough technology for PARCC had been planning to use paper and pencil copies but then discovered that those copies were exorbitantly expensive. Computer testing saves money. Since many schools don’t have the hardware or bandwidth to test all at once, though, they end up taking turns. We tested grade by grade. Some schools have had to test group by group, classroom by classroom. I can’t even imagine what a mess that must be.
I observed that maybe PARCC would serve as a useful wake-up call. Schools might realize that they were short of necessary technology. A music teacher quickly objected that districts would probably eliminate music and art teachers to try to buy those missing laptops and laptop carts. I suspect she’s right. We all know how important computer literacy has become today. If districts don’t have computers, most likely they can’t afford to purchase that useful technology with available funds. Few districts have waiting piles of unused money sitting around.
Eduhonesty: Testing testing testing. I gave a required math quiz today, one that all seventh grade math classes had to take. In the next two days, I have to give a math and a science final. I had better drop this blog and print more notes for my classes.