Hi, readers. Past tips for new teachers have sparked a fair amount of enthusiasm. Here’s Tip #1 for the 2019-2020 school year, a tip you have probably seen before. The first two words of the above advice form the central pillar of all good classroom management, so I thought I’d start here:
Five administrators just walked in unexpectedly? Breathe. Breathe. Joey’s having a screaming fit in the corner? Smile and give the other students a science wordsearch while you manage Joey. Your homework handouts have disappeared? Cram some useful book under the document camera. Tell students to write down the (new) homework questions. Just keep going. If you are fortunate enough to have strong classroom technology, begin amassing a list of websites that reinforce your curriculum while buying you time in an emergency. Because emergencies will happen, no matter how well you plan. Colleagues will walk off with your day’s materials for no reason they can ever explain. Cups of coffee will cascade across your desk.. Sometimes I think miniature black holes just suck in a day’s materials, transporting papers to entirely different dimensions. Be sure to have actual paper materials on hand, too, for when the power goes out.
But try not to let anyone see you sweat. You are the adult in charge of your classroom. You may have to kowtow sometimes to administrators, but stand tall in front of your students. Lead your students. They will follow you if you show them where and how to go.
Believe in yourself.
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