“Robot Handjobs Are The Future, And The Future Is Coming” reads the Yahoo headline. I don’t bother to click on the link. I know I’m not remotely interested in this latest piece of Yahoo fluff.
But how many of America’s children are on Yahoo right now? Even during the school day, some of them are sitting in cafeterias and classrooms surfing on smart phones. As far as I am concerned, school districts might as well give up trying to block sites. Only teacher supervision can slow the technological onslaught that is attacking adolescent innocence.
Eduhonesty: We can’t stop the erosion of childhood as a separate life stage, I believe. We need to adapt to these new times with the understanding that we have lost a great deal of control as soon as we hand our kids their smart phones. We can’t control the wacky articles that Yahoo will offer. Critical thinking skills are becoming crucial to understanding the information and misinformation that proliferates across cyberspace.
Our students would benefit from coursework tailored specifically to this need.