She’s a pretty little girl, bordering on beautiful, with elfin features and a confident walk. She only made it through about half of high school. I strongly suspect she can’t read, at least any of the practical papers most adults need to manage daily life.
I don’t know that there’s any way we could have kept Princess’s mom in school. I do know that handing her books she could not read to get her ready for a test she could not pass was a stupid plan. This girl’s far to hardheaded to be pushed around like that. I don’t actually know why she was thrown out of high school. I know that the odds of her staying in school were low to start with. She was living in a gang-oriented culture with little respect for the benefits of higher education. She craved the thug life more than the honor roll. When we try to squash girls like Princess’s mom into some preconceived middle class mold created in the Halls of Congress, teaching almost exclusively to a test that these girls find both incomprehensible and irrelevant, we ensure that many will leave school.
Eduhonesty: Duhhh, as Princess’s mom would say.