Computerized test results are supposed to be fast. Results from the ACT go out in three to eight weeks, for example. Most ACT results can be viewed online within two weeks.
According to the PARCC website, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, and Rhode Island took the PARCC test last spring. Dates varied from school to school, with some schools finishing in March. New York City also conducted a pilot program with 5,000 students in 25 schools. Where are the PARCC results?
Some districts suffered from large technological glitches. Those glitches no doubt explain some of the reporting problem. But we are still at least three months out now, in some cases four, and counting. I suspect that part of the problem rests in the results. I suspect PARCC has failed almost all the students in the country and Pearson/PARCC leadership has been working furiously, but without success, to try to figure out how to spin this mess.