Having taught once does not make anyone an educational expert. The opposite may be true.
This country is filled with educational administrators who left the classroom for the board office or administrative positions in schools. Many of these administrators were excellent teachers. Whether they left for higher salaries, the chance to influence district reform efforts, or any of a number of valid reasons, these administrators are often sincere when they say, “I miss the kids and the classroom.”
But let’s be clear: Many people move up because they are stressed out or even burnt out, while remaining unwilling to walk away from the investment they have put into education. One common path out of the classroom involves taking evening classes and then moving into administration, leaving unmanageable classes and underappreciated students behind.
Some teachers move up for the greater good.
Others move up because they can’t cut it in the classroom.
Eduhonesty: The best teachers, those who love teaching and can teach, tend to stay in the classroom. Why leave a job you love? (As I noted, some solid reasons to climb the admin ladder DO exist — such as $$$.) If America wants to know how to reform eduction, we ought to ask the classroom teachers. They are the true success stories in American education.