That title probably captured your attention! I actually found this article on Web MD. Quite probably, people are inserting other people’s poop into themselves for personal medical reasons. Read the article if you are curious. Here’s the URL:
I believe this article. I also believe that the Superintendent in Los Angeles and the Mayor should hold their ground. This evening’s news was filled with silly analysis of the closure of Los Angeles Public Schools due to a bomb threat. The closure is receding into the past even as I write this, and I hope we don’t see similar incidents in the near future. In the meantime, you can’t change the past. That closure was a good-faith effort and I, for one, would not want to be the Superintendent who decided the schools were safe because “Allah was not capitalized,” a point used to support the idea that this bomb threat was obviously fraudulent. We need to keep in mind that Los Angeles and San Bernardino are close neighbors. Emotions are running raw in Southern California.
I lived through a bomb threat some years ago. My then-Principal used two fire drills to get students outside. The local police swept the school for bombs while students stood outside. That was a year of false alarms and students remained oblivious to the drama. We live in exciting times.
Eduhonesty: To close or not to close, that was the question. The answer was to shut the doors, and are we honestly going to object because no bombs went off? America needs to stop second-guessing honest efforts to do the right thing.