I need to start on my preparation for next week. That includes grading, moving grading from Excel to the real grading program now that schedules are finalized, and preparing next week’s materials, not to mention other little tasks such as updating folders and calling parents. I need to investigate a program I am to start using as well as review for a test I am supposed to give. There’s at least twelve hours work here, I’m pretty sure considerably more, except I’ll triage. Some of the list will not get done, although it won’t go away. I may time this weekend’s work.
Eduhonesty: The paperwork comes with the territory. For any aspiring teachers, elementary is much easier in terms of these demands than middle school or high school. Ironically, wealthier districts may be less work as well since they often have their systems in place. My district is changing/adding systems and software every year in desperate bids to up state test scores.
If I had it to do over, klutz though I am, I think I might teach gym.